Effect of Broken Homes on Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Nigeria
Significance of the Study
The purpose of this study is to find out causes of broken home on academic performance of secondary schools students in Nigeria. This is with a view to suggest ways of minimizing and overcoming the problem. Home play very significant role in child personality formation and socialization, broken homes are identified as one of the factor that undermined the socialization process at home, which consequently affect the performance of student. If the concern of education, secondary schools in particular is to look after socialization process of the child as well as his intellectual development, then this research work would be of great importance to parents and educators, teacher and society at large that absence of one or both of the parent affect children educational career.
Literature Review
Summary of Literature Review.
Attempts were made in this chapter to define the concept broken home various definition provided by earlier researchers with more emphasis on divorce as the control issue.
West (2006) most of the researchers however arrived of a definition with control issue being that the parent are no more living together as husband and wife. In an attempt to portray the nature of broken home divorce, dealt of parent and separations have been identified as being the cause of broken homes. Divorce has its cause identified further economic booms, post war period, in the relationship between home and academic performance. The student of the broken home are said to be likely to find themselves in one of three situations that is being catered for a single parent, being read each of this variable brings some hardship to the students.
The literature review in this section agued in support and against. The view that it is the next conditions prevailing in the broken homes that is responsible for students low performance. A number of students show that children of divorce home are intact unlike unhappy homes. Irrespective of its possible implication to teachers in schooling setting, the literature revealed that the problem mostly re-encountered by subject of broken homes are those frustration, insecurity, anxieties and emotional feelings such problems made the children unable to concentrate in the claim and subsequently fail to achieve. In general teachers are advised to understand the problems of broken homes children so as to able to treat them along side with other children.
Researchers like Yusuf (2002), have carried out a study on this topic. He has covered several of the effect of broken homes on students academic performance. Inferiority complex is a result of lack of care, love, security, social state and affection inferiority complex is a psychological deficiency that can affect the academic of the individual students
Reliability of the Instrument.
The instrument adopted for this research was found reliable as it has been cross checked by expert and confirmed to be worthy enough to seek for information. The researchers also adopted a test and re – test, where by the instruments was retested a week after the first test.
Method of Data Collection.
The descriptive statistic (mean X) was used in analyzing the data collected. A mean of 2.5 and above indicates agreement with the item stated while a mean of 2.49 and below indicates disagreement.
Data Presentation and Analysis
MALE | 97 | 48.5% | |
FEMALE | 103 | 51.5% | |
TOTAL | 200 | 100 |
SOURCE: Field survey by researchers 2012
INTERPRETATION: The table above shows that 48.5% of the respondents were male while 51.5% were female
Research Question : Does home has any significant effect on secondary school student in Nigeria?
1 | Home plays significant in child upbringing | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
150 50 – – 200 |
600 150 – – 750 |
3.75 |
9 | Absence of one or both parent of the student affect academic performance | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
162 38 200 |
648 114 762 |
3.81 |
10 | Children of the divorce are often more anxious and sensitive which affect their academic performance | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
155 45 – – 200 |
620 135 – – 755 |
3.78 |
12 | Low self-esteem and depression are also common symptom of a child whose parents are separated | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
170 30 – – 200 |
680 90 – – 770 |
3.85 |
13 | Children who have separated or divorced parents are more likely to have difficult interacting socially with peers, sibling teacher and other adult | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
125 75 – – 200 |
500 225 – – 725 |
3.63 |
18 | It is been believed that children are damaged by the divorce of their parent and that predisposed them to delinquently and emotional mal-adjustment | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
130 70 – – 200 |
520 210 – – 730 |
3.65 |
20 | Divorce has its cause identified in economic booms, post war period in the relationship between home and academic performance of students. | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
168 32 – – 200 |
672 96 – – 768 |
3.84 |
SOURCE: Field survey by the researchers 2012.
INPRETATION: The table above shows that the effect of broken home on the academic performance of secondary school student in Nigeria has the real effect on student this is evidenced in the respondents’ responses where majority Strongly Agreed and Agreed that home play significant in child upbringing, Absence of one or both parent of student affect academic performance and Divorce has its cause identified in economic booms post war period in the relationship between home and academic performance of students. I view of this the researchers concluded that home has any significant effect on secondary school student in Nigeria?
Research Question Does broken home have any significant effect on the academic performance of secondary school student?
3 | Broken home have effect on academic performance of students | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
170 30 – – 200 |
680 90 – – 770 |
3.85 |
4 | Broken home affect secondary school students achievement | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
168 38 – – 200 |
648 114 – – 762 |
3.81 |
7 | Student from broken home perform poorly in school | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
133 67 – – 200 |
532 201 – – 733 |
3.67 |
15 | Broken homes contributed a lot to anti-social behavior society and school | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
169 31 – – 200 |
676 93 – – 769 |
3.85 |
17 | The relationship between home variable and academic performance are positive but the broken home made it negative | SA=4 A=3 SD=2 D=1 TOTAL |
147 50 3 – 200 |
588 150 6 – 744 |
3.72 |
SOURCE: Field survey by researchers 2012.
INTERPRETATION: The above table shows clearly that broken home have significant effect on the academic performance of secondary school student as the respondent responses majority Strongly Agreed and Agreed that broken home have effect on academic performance of student, broken home contributed to anti-social behavior of student in school and society and broken home or student from broken home perform poorly in school. To this effect we concluded that broken home significant effect on the academic performance of secondary school student.
The following points may be put into consideration by anybody who wish to conduct research in this area that is “the effect of broken homes on academic performance of Secondary school students in Nigeria ” in future.
This is a questionnaire prepare by students of the department of vocational and technical education in the quest to carry out research on the Effect of Broken Homes on Academic Performance of Secondary Schools Student ,with emphasis on some selected secondary school.
It in view of this that we urge you to fill in the information therein as appropriate to the best of your ability as your response will be treated with confidence.
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